I really feel cheated that time is going by so fast. I know a lot of mom's say this, but I'm still getting used to the idea of being knocked up so I can't even wrap my head around the mom part yet. When am I supposed to feel like a mom? When she's in my arms? For now I'll simply enjoy an awesome little alien that has taken over my tummy and enjoy the ride. Nonetheless, I am already looking forward to Mother's Day. *winkwink*
New Experiences: I've had the 'flutters' for a few weeks, but CQB is finally KICKING! The best part was that Will finally got to feel her. We were laying in bed with his hand on my stomach and every time he felt her we would turn to each other in awe. Experiencing that together was a highlight of my life.
Maternity Clothes: Still not wearing them. I've actually gone through my closet and I'm trying to wear everything I can before it won't fit anymore. Don't worry though, I have already packed two big boxes worth of stuff that doesn't fit. Mainly bras, bathing suits, and 'inappropriate' stuff ;)
How Far Along: 24 Weeks!
New Experiences: I've had the 'flutters' for a few weeks, but CQB is finally KICKING! The best part was that Will finally got to feel her. We were laying in bed with his hand on my stomach and every time he felt her we would turn to each other in awe. Experiencing that together was a highlight of my life.
Total Weight Gain: 8.o pounds, and it's great. I'm gaining weight on the inside while losing weight on the outside. They say a pregnant woman burns more calories cooking a baby on the couch than a man lifting weights, and the fact that I still work out is icing on the cake. I'm upping my calories like I'm supposed to, but I haven't felt the desire to 'eat for two' and barely have any cravings.
Cravings: Not much except for a sweet tooth the last week. I'm trying to stick to fruit, but it's too easy to reach for candy since I bought some at the Dollar Store like a dummy. whoops
Symptoms: I lose my balance which is actually pretty funny, but mostly it's just a struggle to get up.
Maternity Clothes: Still not wearing them. I've actually gone through my closet and I'm trying to wear everything I can before it won't fit anymore. Don't worry though, I have already packed two big boxes worth of stuff that doesn't fit. Mainly bras, bathing suits, and 'inappropriate' stuff ;)
Mood: My mood is fine, but I am feeling a bit of anxiety trying to juggle it all. Go figure.
Best Moment This Week: Other than the kicks, we had our 3rd appointment and we got to hear her heartbeat. Pretty crazy...I don't know how they tell the difference between hers and mine.
Exercise: Still going strong, and I actually outran a friend the other day. She usually stays on the treadmill longer than I do, but I guess I am more conditioned to running outside. We had to stop several times AND I ran more than a mile over what she did. We have a 5K this weekend, so I've got to be ready to run! Whodathunk I'd run a 5K while six months pregnant.
On My Mind: We've torn apart the house to turn the guest bedroom into the nursery and in turn my beloved closet room has become the guest bedroom whompwhomp, so now we have to find some semblance of order AND get my projects done before the first baby shower. My goal is to have the crib bedding finished (yes, I'm making the crib set, because I'm so picky) and finish painting the changing table that my grandpa made me. If only the naked crib wasn't taunting me...
Over all, we feel pretty blessed. Will keeps thinking things are going too smooth with this pregnancy, but all we can do is take what comes at us. We only have 3-4 months left, so technically... it's all downhill from here. I just hope we can soak it all in and enjoy every moment. This could should be the only pregnancy I get to experience, and as such, I plan on experiencing it to the fullest extent. Happy SIX months to us, and happy {early} St. Patty's to you guys. I'm already going green!
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